According to the most recent StackOverflow survey of developers (1), React is the most sought-after SPA Framework. There are three main reasons for this.

It’s simple to build using

It leverages JavaScript capabilities

It provides a fantastic browser experience for users

Complexity is the Enemy of Productivity

Every new programming technique we, as developers, learn adds to the knowledge base we have gained from other similar technologies. For instance, when we’re looking to write code that, inside the browser, shows the counter which increments or decrements, depending on the click of a button and clicks, we can draw upon the experience of having accomplished this before with other technologies.

How difficult could making an increment or decrement button be? You’ll be pleasantly surprised. With no framework, you must be concerned about how to update various browsers, store changing information, and connect different HTML and JavaScript files to function. In the case of most frameworks, you have to master complex build systems and code generators before you can start writing your codes.

React is distinct. It is a short JavaScript code that returns using a particular JavaScript syntax known as JSX. It is because JSX lets us create HTML directly using JavaScript. So, if all you need is to access your React App exhibit “Hello from Pluralsight” ” In bold lettering, all you need to do is create the following JavaScript.

React is built with the state starting from the beginning

Unlike other JavaScript libraries, the Facebook React team built the application state into React. It is possible to think of the state as the purpose of each JavaScript variable at any moment. The current state will decide the content to be rendered to the user’s browser.

In the example above, that calculated string represents the current state of the page at the time it renders.

Let’s extend our application by explicitly using what we call “the state React Hook. Let’s use that hook to build the state count and the method setCount that will change the state of the count. We can also add two buttons within our JSX rendering, one of which increments count and one that reduces it.

The above JavaScript is a minor change from our earlier instance. We’ve first added an import to useState using React. React library. We’ve also changed the ECMAScript shorthand syntax used in our function to a syntax of statements, meaning there’s a return clause and curly braces. The output we’ve created has been modified to include counts instead of the actual date, and then we’ve added increment and decrement buttons with click handlers.

When this easy React application is launched, it will change its status by incrementing the counter. Because of this state change, React knows to update only those parts of the DOM which require it.

You might be wondering why “React” is the correct name “React.” In essence, the reason is that the applications we create using it are completely declarative in that we can make statements such as “increment the counter by 1” The output rendered by the application simply reacts to the changes. Also, React apps just react to changes in the state. Simple as that.

The Browser Experience the User Gets is Awesome

The most important thing is how the applications we create using React work in our customers’ browsers. No matter how straightforward to create, however, if they don’t work well for our customers, It doesn’t matter.

This is the area where React truly excels. Since React functions as the electronic programming language that powers Facebook’s website, it needs to be highly efficient and optimized. In both respects, it is not a disappointment. It is true that “React just works” is an exaggeration. Within React, parts such as the reconciler, optimizer, and scheduler enable it to run so quickly; however, as a developer, our primary concern is that it works quickly and consistently.

React’s React group is determined to make the React library as fast, stable, and stable as in the last version, Version 17, and version 17. There were virtually no new features added. The only thing that changed since updating to the most recent version is that apps ‘ bundles are now much smaller, run faster, and are also more stable. This is something Facebook React and the Facebook React team to be proud of.