March 3, 2025

Meet Mindsight: Kim Kiefer, Director Of Customer Experience

Kim Kiefer is Mindsight’s Director of Customer Experience. She sat with us to talk about Mindsight’s approach to customer relationships and how they maintain a positive relationship. Mindsight is a managed service provider (MSP) that focuses its strategy exclusively on engineers at the expert level who deliver technology services to clients. Kim, Director of Customer Experience, shares […]

The COO and the Customer Experience Collide in a Contact Center Report: Updated

In most companies, the Chief Operations Officer (COO) is the second highest-ranking executive. The Chief Executive (CEO), who provides the vision, is executed by the COO. Although it may seem strange to imagine the COO’s role intersecting with customer experience, that is the vision of CEOs. In today’s interconnected economy, each customer experience is valuable, shareable, and visible, […]

The Value of a VCISO: a Cybersecurity Report

These days, work meetings and happy hour are usually held online. But it did; virtual chief information security officers (vCISO) are becoming more common. CIOs are a remote version of a traditional in-. This role helps fill the cybersecurity skills gaps in small and midsize businesses and help. Mishaal Khan is Mindsight’s chief security architect. He says you don’t […]

Report on IT Infrastructure Spending Changes

In Chicago, there’s a popular saying: If you’re not happy with the weather, wait a moment. It’s a clever way to describe something subject to rapid change. This could be applied to many things in our world today, including business operations. Gartner predicted an 8% decline in IT spending for 2020 when we visited the topic […]

The Changing Role Of The CIO: An IT Report

More than any disruption in a century, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing dramatic shifts in the way companies do business. This being the digital age, many of those shifts necessitate new or enhanced technology that serves both workers and customers. It’s no surprise, then, that the already numerous responsibilities of Chief Information Officers continue to mount. “CIOs […]

The Cloud Report: Diving Deeper into Desktop as a Service

VDI solutions were introduced to the market in 2006. They provided a customized desktop experience, no matter where or what device the user was using. VDI offers greater flexibility and mobility but also provides more security and easier management than managing individual PCs. Those who have implemented VDI have encountered some challenges. On-premises solutions, for example, require […]

CIO report: Upskill vs Augment your Team for Cybersecurity and Cloud: A CIO report UPDATED

Amazon announced on October 2, 2020, in a Press Release that it would invest $700,000,000 in upskilling for 100,000 U.S. workers by 2025. Amazon says that “the American workforce is evolving” and “there’s an increased need for technical skills at work than ever before.” Upskilling is not a new concept. Accenture pledged 200 million dollars to Upskill America in […]

Mishaal Khan, Mindsight’s Security Solutions Architect and Ethical Hacker – UPDATED

In February 2019, we met with Mishaal to discuss Mindsight’s vision to provide cybersecurity and data privacy services to our clients. Mishaal Khan has been repairing and rebuilding computers since he was a child. Khan, a Certified Ethical Hacker and CCIE R&S Security Practitioner, as well as a Certified Social Engineer Pentester, offers insights into the murky […]

Microsoft Teams Collaboration Report: How to Securely Collaborate

The technology has brought the world of business closer together. We often collaborate and communicate with colleagues thousands of miles apart rather than staying in the same office. Microsoft Teams is rated as “excellent” by PCMag in a comprehensive review. This makes it easier and more efficient to do so. It is now more important than ever to continue fighting […]

Realistic expectations are powerful

A new study shows how to close a critical achievement gap. Even though many students have difficulty adapting to college life, it is first-generation students, students from low-income families, and minorities who are most affected and at most significant risk of leaving school. According to research, this achievement gap is attributable, in part, because members of […]