March 6, 2025

Measurement of developer experience is the superpower today

Cat Hicks is a social scientist at Pluralsight and the VP of Research Insights. She examines employee responses to their workplace, colleagues, managers, and senior leaders. During this breakout session from Pluralsight’s 2022 Navigate event, she and Start by getting comfortable with the topic of work culture You’ve probably attended a few panels about empathy […]

Perspectives on Leadership: There’s more development than developers for technical writers

Danielle Vansia, Senior Technical Writer at Pluralsight, has had a unique career path in technical writing. She began her career in higher education but was inspired by an article on job opportunities in the tech industry. Danielle began to enjoy the documentation aspect of technical writing and pursued this new career with great success. In […]

Onboarding experienced software engineers

Experience level based on Onboard A new-grad software engineer holds different expectations for onboarding than an experienced software engineer. By understanding this difference and customizing your engineering onboarding, you can show new hires how much you value their success and relationship with your company. This guide will provide you with tips on how to hire […]

Jim Liriano, a technologist who has made a unique transition to the industry through Opportunity Academies

Opportunity Academies provide non-technical people with the knowledge and skills they need to move into technical roles. In this blog, we interview Pluralsight Opportunity Academy students. The participants share their experiences with the program and how it has impacted their lives. They also offer advice to individuals and organizations who are interested in Opportunity Academies. […]

Our readers love our tech articles

  Here is our annual recap of the ten most popular articles from the Pluralsight Blog! According to page views, we compiled a list of the most popular articles on the Pluralsight blog. See what our tech experts found most helpful. A summary accompanies each article. 7 Popular Computer Degrees for IT Jobs Some employers require […]

The conventions of naming programs (explained with a snake)

You may have had these burning questions in your mind: What are the different naming standards? What are the most common uses of each naming convention? What does the naming convention I prefer to say about me? I didn’t think so either, but here we are. Snek, the snake, will help us answer these questions. […]

These top tech careers are worth a look

Cybersecurity There needs to be more cybersecurity professionals to cover every industry’s needs. In January 2023, over 750,000 cybersecurity job postings were available across the United States. However, only 68% of those roles could be filled by professionals. Gartner reports that IT Security Professionals are the most sought-after role in corporate tech initiatives for 2022. In Pluralsight’s state […]

Here are some easy tips to keep your computer healthy

What can you do if your computer goes dark? Panic? Do not panic! Do you want to shut down your computer? Scream? Maintaining your computer’s health requires collaboration, even if you are an expert. This requires both your efforts and the support of people who have more technical skills than you, such as friends or […]

Computer Health: Understanding the Risques

Every activity we undertake carries risks. We expect the benefits to outweigh any risks, whether we’re driving, crossing busy streets, vacationing in Hawaii, or investing in real estate. To increase our chances of success, we spend time learning and implementing strategies to make it happen. The same principle applies to internet-connected devices and computers. With […]