March 4, 2025

Explore the Turnstiles for Single Electrons to Find a New Power Standard

Aalto University researchers propose a method to convert the frequency to power. In 2019, the International System of Units (SI) was renamed to become the world’s most widely used system of measuring. Since then, units have been defined using the constants in Nature, that is, Nature’s rules which are set and cannot be changed, like […]

A Crucial Super absorption Breakthrough unlocks the Key to Next-Generation Quantum Batteries.

The University of Adelaide researchers and their international partners have made quantum batteries a reality. They have proved super absorption, an important idea that underpins quantum batteries. “Quantum batteries which employ quantum mechanical principles to increase their capabilities require less charging time as they get larger,” Dr. James Q. Quach (a Ramsay Fellow at the […]

First-ever Turing Network Development Award in Research Into Artificial Intelligence

Researchers at the University of Nottingham received the first-ever Turing Network Development Award. This award will help them to make Artificial Intelligence more accessible and build trust in its use. This new award was presented to the University of Nottingham, one of 24 universities. It was awarded after demonstrating its research excellence and track record […]

MIT Creates a New Programming Language to Support High-Performance Computers

“Speed and accuracy don’t have to be in competition… they can work together, hand in hand.” High-performance computing is essential for many tasks, such as image processing and deep learning applications on neural networks. These tasks require the ability to quickly and efficiently process huge amounts of data. Otherwise, it can take a ridiculous amount […]

Technology is revolutionizing how intelligence is gathered and analyzed – opening a window on Russian military activity around Ukraine.

The U.S. has warned for weeks about Russia’s possible invasion of Ukraine. It is threatening retaliation if it does. Eight years after Russia’s invasion of eastern Ukraine and the invasion of Crimea, Russian forces have begun to mobilize along Ukraine’s borders. The U.S. and NATO member countries monitor Russia’s activities to determine the best policy responses. They no longer […]

Research Creates Molecule that Can Lead to Mini-Transistors: Electric Machines on A Molecular Scale

Lund University in Sweden has developed a simple hydrocarbon molecule that can perform a logic gate function similar to transistors. This discovery could lead to the development of molecular-scale electric components in the future. These results were published in Nature Communications. Research and development are both challenging in manufacturing small components. Transistors are one example: the […]

DeepMind Simulates Matter at the Nanoscale with Artificial Intelligence

DeepMind, a scientific paper, demonstrates how neural networks can improve approximation to the Density Functional (a method that describes electron interactions in chemical systems). This is a great example of deep learning’s potential in simulating matter at the level of quantum mechanics. DeepMind will also release the code as a paper to make it available […]

A Nano-Engineered Sealer makes concrete more durable.

A nanomaterials-engineered penetrating sealer developed by Washington State University researchers can better protect concrete from moisture and salt – the two most damaging factors in crumbling concrete infrastructure in northern states. In laboratory tests, the novel sealer demonstrated a 75% increase in water repellency and a 44% decrease in salt damage compared with a commercial […]

3D-printed “Nano Skyscrapers” help Bacteria convert sunlight into electricity

Researchers created tiny “skyscrapers” for bacteria communities, allowing them to produce electricity using just sunlight. Researchers from the University of Cambridge used 3D printing for high-rise grids of ‘nanohousing’, where sun-loving bacteria could grow quickly. The researchers were able to extract the waste electrons from bacteria, which can be used to power small electronic devices. While […]

Next Generation 3D-Printed Catalysts Will Propel Hypersonic Flight — Speeds Above 3,800 Mph

The 3D-printed catalysts that are ultra-efficient and efficient could be used to solve the problem of hypersonic aircraft overheating. They also offer a revolutionary solution for thermal management in countless industries. RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, developed versatile catalysts. They are easy to scale and cost-effective. Lab demonstrations by the team show that 3D printed catalysts […]