Your main goal as an IT professional is to design, manufacture and operate IT systems or components. There are many areas you can specialize in: hardware, software, telecommunications or databases. There are many IT roles that have emerged from the rapid expansion of IT beyond specialist companies to other business sectors. These are the Computer & Information Systems Managers, Computer Programmers, Computer Scientists and Computer Systems Analysts.

What are the career prospects for an information technology degree?
The Information Technology Association of America points out that 92 per cent of all IT jobs are not in information technology companies, with 80 percent of these in smaller companies. You are more likely than not to find entry-level work in any IT company if consulting is not appealing. You could either be responsible for the entire information technology system, or just a portion of it depending on how big the company is. There are many companies that specialize in IT services. This means you could find plenty of opportunities with these consultancies, especially if your interests include variety and meeting new people. The Occupational Outlook Quarterly (Fall 2002), showed that the following distribution of IT workers was found: associate degree 10%; bachelor’s degree 48%; master’s/higher 18% (24% of those with a lower education).
What skills are required for a college degree program in information technology?
You will need to have some knowledge of computers and physics. A good understanding of mathematics is essential. IT is a complex field that requires you to pay attention to every detail. Even the smallest mistake can have devastating consequences. It will be helpful to be a problem-solver and to have the desire to finish a task.
What kind of training will I receive at college?
There are many schools that offer information technology degrees. You can choose from any concentration you’re interested in. Program content is constantly changing due to the rapid advances in IT research. The following are some examples of courses of study: Internet, Web components and programming (C++ COBOL Java, HTML, Visual Basic and VRML, windows routing, switching), system administration programming techniques, new multimedia programming, Web programming, digital media, operating networks, data communications databases, LANs, WANs, interface design and gaming, simulations, artificial Intelligence, 2D and 3D graphics. Wireless networks, digital audio and interactive media, testing, program programming. Security. This list is not exhaustive but it shows the vast amount of knowledge needed. You can gain a lot of experience by taking these courses with the tutor.